miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

English mini course - Day4

1. check the feedback that I have sent related with the video. check again while you're listening
2. Please WRITE 3 questions that you would want to ask about the topic "Get Sleepy"
3. Do the transcript other 15 minutes, start using the last phrases that you already did and until time is over.

The progress at the moment:

martes, 16 de julio de 2013

English mini course - Day3

Hi Team,

This is to deliver on Wednesday.

Act1: Please watch the video at least 3 times, for now consider the feedback that you have had related to the transcript to see the first minutes.

Act2. Please record and audio answering the below questions:
                    - Why do you think you get more energy when you are in constant moving?
                    -  What is the attitude of Aj Hoge while he is explaining in the video?
                    -  Let me know what motivate you to learn english
Act3. Please do the transcript from where you finished the last time counting 15 minutes. No more, we need to check how much you do in that time.

domingo, 14 de julio de 2013

English mini course - Day2

Day 2
- Please watch the complete AJ Hoge video, it only takes 4 minutes, please do it very focused at least 3 times
- Please record a audio saying why it's important to be moving when you're learning english, my example: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0Hfch96fJ65
- Please do the transcript of the video as much as you can in 15 minutes from the last that you did. Take your time!

lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

English Mini Course

Starting a new English course taking the AJ hoge free videos from youtube.

Day 1.
- Please watch the complete AJ Hoge video, it only takes 4 minutes, please do it very focused at least 3 times.

- Please record a audio explaining what AJ Hoge recommends to avoid get sleepy when listen to english.
- Please do the transcript of the video as much as you can in 15 minutes. Take your time!